24 June 2014

52 Acts of Compassion Campaign ~Week Nine

With me being due next week I am in the middle of what they call the “nesting stage”. I have been a cleaning machine these past few weeks.  For the most part I am on top of keeping our closets organized.  My husband is always buying new clothes and I am always telling him he has to get rid of the same amount that he buys.  Me, well I don’t buy myself clothing very often because I am always finding other things I want more. With that said, I very rarely get rid of kid’s clothes because I keep them all as hand-me-downs.  After all I have 2 boys and I am pregnant with my 3rd boy. But, because I am in the midst of doing random acts of compassion I figured this was a good time for each child to pull out 3 outfits or 6 pieces of clothing, and same for my husband and I. After this chore we ended up with 2 large boxes of clothing to donate.  Yay, for cleaning out the closet AND for doing an act of compassion.

This time of year many of us do what we call “spring cleaning”. How can you take your spring cleaning and turn it into an act of compassion?      

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