15 April 2013

Practicing Hospitality

In many of my previous blogs I have mentioned that I love to have people over; for family dinners, game nights, coffee and dessert, you name it I love to have people over for it.  Entertaining is one of my favorite things to do and over the years I have learned how to be a proper and prim hostess.  As hard as it is to admit this, I have not always been a genteel host.  When I was younger, after buying my first home, I had to have it perfect.  I didn’t invite anyone over because I was always worried about how my house would look.  You must remember this is previous to having children, so having a house in perfect and flawless condition was actually attainable.  At this point in my life I was able to get up and have a regular cleaning regime every morning and my house was as squeaky clean as it could possibly get, yet I was still fearful of having people over.  I wanted perfection but I never felt like I could achieve that perfectly clean and spotless house.  Now almost 10 years later, I feel like I have achieved my goal of being a refined hostess.  Of course having children may have been the turning point.  I have come to the realization that my house will never be spotless.  I will always have toys strewn about, a sink with dishes in it, stains on the carpet and crumbs on the kitchen floor.  It has taken me a while to be okay with such things but I am finally there.  I will invite people over now regardless of the condition of my house, and I don’t worry about what they are thinking when it comes to my house, now I am worried about whether I was a hostess as God’s own heart .

If you are like me, you may have or currently view hospitality as a succeed/not succeed accomplishment.  Viewing hospitality is not a way to show off our most precious treasures and elaborate food, but rather true hospitality is just merely sharing our true selves with other people.  When someone visits your house make sure they feel at home.  It is better that you have a guest who feels comfortable while noticing a few toys on the floor than a guest who feels completely uncomfortable but praises you for your housekeeping skills.   

The Bible talks a lot about hospitality; in fact, it is stated very clearly in I Peter 4:9, “Offer hospitality to one another...”  Just like we are told to love one another and to pray continuously, we are also told to be hospitable. When you dig deeper into the meaning of “hospitality” you discover that it comes from the root term “hospital”.  People visit hospitals when they are sick, when they need healing and when they are hurt.  It is possible that God wants us to provide hospitality to those who are sick, who need healing and are hurt?  I am not talking about someone who needs stitches, or who needs their gallbladder out, I am talking about the single parent next door who is tired and worn, or the lady who just lost her husband a few weeks back.

If you are ready to become the hostess that God intends for you to be a good place to start is following the directions that God laid out before us.  “Then Jesus said to His host, “When you give a luncheon or dinner, do not invite your friends, your brothers or relatives, or your rich neighbors; if you do, they may invite you back and so you will be repaid.  But when you give a banquet, invite the poor, the crippled, the lame, the blind and you will be blessed.  Although, they cannot repay you, you will be repaid at the resurrection of the righteousness~ Luke 14:12-14 I think this scripture is trying to say, don’t be hospitable because you want the favor returned, but do it because it is asked of you. This scripture isn’t saying that we can’t invite family and friends over for family dinner, because I truly believe God loves it when families get together, but more specifically, look around you and see where your hospitality is needed.   

How do you practice hospitality?

11 April 2013

10 Ways to Feel Healthier Now

Like most of the population I am always trying to do little things on a daily basis to make myself healthier.  While actually getting into shape and losing weight or whatever needs to be done can take a few months there are several things that can be done daily to help you feel your best. 

1.       Eat as if you are in the Garden of Eden.  Enjoy more fruits, vegetables, nuts and whole grains. It is best that you consume these foods in their most natural state as possible.

2.       Start walking at least 30 minutes a day.  If you only have 10 minutes, then walk 10 minutes.  Any amount of time spent walking is better than no time spent walking.  A moderate walk is the most effective and cheapest form of exercise.  If you have a friend to walk with, even better.  You can both hold each other accountable while enjoying your friendship!   

3.       Drink more water.  Avoid soft drinks and too much coffee.  Most people are chronically dehydrated and it is slowly killing them.  Experts suggest that you drink half your body weight in ounces of water per day.

4.       Get enough sunlight, but not too much.  We need sunlight for vitamin D production, better rest and sunlight is a major mood booster. Please remember to wear sunscreen any and every time you are out in the sun. 

5.       Avoid caffeine, nicotine, sugars and other drugs.  These ingredients can destroy immune function and age your prematurely.  If you are like me and love your cup of coffee and sugary snack every day, just be sure to use in moderation. 

6.       Find time to breath in clean air.  Oxygen is the most important substance for life and health; go to where it is purest and breath deep. 

7.       Honor the Sabbath Day.  Fellowship and worship at church and place your worries with God.  You will feel refreshed and ready to tackle the week ahead.

8.       Get enough sleep.  Maintain a regular bedtime and be sure to get at least 7 hours of sleep a night.

9.       Slow down! Keep stresses at a minimum. Avoid debts and spend within your means. You will be a lot happier with less stuff to worry about.

10.   TRUST IN GOD!!!  Pray and read your Bible daily. Remember that you have a friend in Jesus and can claim His promises.     

What do you do on a daily basis to stay healthy? 

09 April 2013

Stresses of Daily Life

Before you read this blog, I want to say that I am not condemning anyone and I don’t want to step on any toes.  The whole point in my blog is to write down my feelings.  I don’t judge and this blog has nothing to do with anyone single person, but rather a thought in whole. 

I often wonder where stresses come from- is it from my kids or the mess they have made throughout my house, or is it my husband and the many long hours he works every day?  It could also be the pile of bills on the desk, the many errands I need to run today or the fact that I only got a few hours of sleep last night.  Many things in our lives can cause stress, but have you ever wondered how much stress comes from social media?  Take Facebook for example.  You see everyone’s “status” updates, from happy updates to the most bleak and sad updates.  You can subscribe to pages that offer support to families going through cancer, or support for a cause such as epilepsy.  Have you ever thought that maybe seeing all the sad facts of life could be hindering your life?  I am not here to try and convince anyone to say “no” to Facebook, Twitter, or any other type of social media, and even the news stations, but I do want to bring notice that this type of media could be affecting our stress levels, and therefore affecting our lives considerably.  I do believe social media has a good side too.  It is a way to connect with people you may not otherwise stay in contact with or a way to meet new people. It is a way to share your life with family and friends that live states away.  It can also be a good way to advertise your business or share your passions. 

I am a Facebook junkie.  I check it every day, several times a day.  I love to see new babies that have entered the world, pictures of my out-of-state friends and family, and updates on the lives of the people I care about.  On the latter though, I also see updates on the not so happy things.  Some people find social media to be a way to degrade other people, instigate an argument with someone, or enlighten the world about their horrible, no good, very bad day.    I do not believe a public site is the place to do such things.  Social media should be filled with happy and good things.  Everyone has their own problems; not many people have enough time to worry about everyone else’s troubles.

With that said, there are many “pages” on Facebook where people ask for prayer, for their child, mom, brother, wife or dog because they have cancer, epilepsy, or some other devastating medical condition.  While I believe in the power of prayer I appreciate these pages because God does say, “Again, I tell you that if two of you on earth agree about anything you ask for, it will be done for you by my Father in heaven. For where two or three come together in my name, there am I with them.”~Matthew 18:19-20 However, reading about others people’s burdens can sometimes run you down.  I am one of those people that carry the weight of the world on my shoulders.  Reading about children with cancer hurts me so bad.  My heart hurts for the parents and the child so much that I dwell on it.  Then my mind starts to wander.  What if it was my child or my husband?  What would I do?  That thought alone, wears me out and thus, brings stress into my life.  I know I am blessed and I thank God for my family’s health everyday!  But because I am the way I am, I have to be careful because my poor heart can’t handle worrying about everybody else’s problems, whether big or small. 

I guess what I am trying to say is guard your heart.  Your family and your sanity come first.  God is in control and you can pray for other people but if seeing daily updates about how bad someone else has it is hurting your life, then cut it out.  Or if you are like me and can’t just cut it out of your life there is hope.  We serve an astounding God.  In fact He says, “Come to me all who are weary and burdened, and I will give you rest.”~Matthew 11:28 When your heart is heavy from all the problems in your life and those problems of others, take them to God. Allow Him to give you the peace and strength you need to make it through.

So I will continue to be a Facebook junkie, and I will continue to see the good and the bad updates.  I will be sure to take all of my worries, concerns, and apprehension to God so that I am not weighed down by the worries of the world. 

“Ask and it will be given to you; seek and you will find; knock and the door will be opened to you.  For everyone who asks receives; he who seeks finds; and to him who knocks, the door will be opened.” ~Matthew 7-8

08 April 2013

Easter Festivities

Easter starts at an early hour in our house...of course my oldest is always up at the crack of dawn to see if/what the Easter Bunny brought.  This year was super fun because my youngest is now old enough to hunt for eggs.  Once he saw his brother find a couple, he started looking for them and before I knew it, they had found all 5 dozen eggs!

I have said it before and I am sure I will say it a million more times in my lifetime...these are the days I live for!

 They discovered that there were gifts too!

This is only the beginning.  Family starts to arrive mid-morning and we start on the appetizers and hang out.

We stuff ourselves with the appetizers to the point that we aren't ready for dinner until late afternoon.  Nevertheless, we all enjoy sitting down to a Hliday dinner.

Dessert doesn't happen until later in the evening!

I always love the Holiday's and I love to share "the days of our lives" with others. I hope you enjoyed your Easter with friends and family.

~Consistently Delightful


01 April 2013

Recipe for a Happy Home

I used to have a picture hanging in my kitchen that had a “Kitchen Prayer” on it.  I no longer have that print but the prayer stays with me daily, after all, I spend 90% of my day in my kitchen.  I cannot take credit for this prayer, but I wanted to share it anyways! 

Dear Lord,
Sift together our lives with love and understanding.
Add generous amounts of patience and forgiveness.
Combine caring discipline with respect and trust.
Blend in gentleness and kindness,
Mix well with laughter and pour into a warm happy home.
Bake with your watchcare and everlasting love for a lifetime.
