25 July 2013

Thursday Tip #1

Today is the first of a series I am going to do for “Thursday Tips” regarding essential oils.  I have long used essential oils for many things, including cleaning.  Hence, my tip for the day is how to make an all purpose cleaner with essential oils.  Essential oils have been recognized as having antiseptic, antimicrobial, antibacterial, antiviral and antifungal properties as well as being super efficient in deodorizing. 

All natural, all purpose cleaner
What you will need:
  • Spray bottle 32oz/947ml
  • Distilled Water
  • Essential oils of Rosemary, Peppermint, Eucalyptus

Add 7-10 drops of each oil to the spray bottle and then fill with distilled water. Shake and you are ready to go. 
Not only can you be rest assured that your house is clean but it is also clean without the use of harsh chemicals.  This cleaner won’t hurt your children or pets and it is safe on virtually any surface because it is pH balanced, meaning it is even safe for use on granite. 

Essential oils were once only sold at specialty shops, but since they have gained popularity over the years they are now readily available at most grocery stores.  Just find them in the organic/natural section of your favorite store.     

What do you use essential oils for?


19 July 2013

Just So You Know...

Earlier in the year I posted a blog on what motherhood has taught me.  With an almost 8 year old and almost 2 year old there is never a dull moment around this house!  I hope this Friday is treating you well.  Here are a few laughs to end your work week!
Even though a toilet says 1.6 gallons per flush, it can flood a large bathroom four inches deep. 

An eight year olds voice is louder than 200 adults in a crowded restaurant.

Brake fluid mixed with Clorox makes smoke…and lots of it.
When you hear the toilet flush and the words, “uh oh,” it’s already too late.    

Most small Lego’s will pass through the digestive tract of a 2 year old with no problem.
Playdoh should never be placed in the microwave.

Super glue is FOREVER!
VCR’s do not eject peanut butter and jelly sandwiches.

Garbage bags do not make good parachutes.
You probably do not want to know what that odor is.

Always look in the oven before you turn it on.  Plastic toys do not like the hot temperatures that an oven can produce.
Be careful when letting your child play with your cell phone.  The numbers 9 and 1 are easily assessable to little fingers.

The police department in Greeley, Colorado has a 5-minute response time. 


02 July 2013

Being a Good Neighbor

My family and I just had the exciting yet challenging task of moving to a new home.  As most of you know moving is emotionally, physically and mentally draining.  First you have feelings of melancholy because you are leaving your old “home” behind, and those feelings are mixed with exhilaration because you are moving to a new house that you will soon make your home.  After those mixed emotions pass you have the feelings of weariness varied with vigor trying to get your belongings moved and unpacked.  Once you are officially moved and your house is now your humble abode, you face the pleasure of meeting your neighbors and finding your place on the block. Of course meeting your neighbors may be the last thing on your mind after such a draining task, but I find it very important. Did you know that eight times in the New Testament of the Bible we are commanded to love our neighbors as ourselves?  It might be seem difficult to even fathom the idea of “loving” someone we don’t even know, or someone we have nothing in common with other than living next door to each other.  But the truth of the matter is that God commands this of us.

When we finally got moved in I had tons of ideas running through my head, from baking mini loaves of banana bread to making one of those “jar recipes”.  I have all these ideas but can’t seem to settle on just one.  I want to make a jar recipe, bake bread, buy mini candles and bring a bouquet of flowers, but let’s face it, I don’t grow money on the tree in the backyard and all of my ideas could end up costing a ton.  Whatever happened to going next door, introducing myself and letting them know that I am always around if they need anything?  Most likely, they could care less whether I bring them a gift, but it is more reasonable to believe that my words and actions have a better chance of leaving a lasting impression.

I am very lucky in the fact that I have always have fantastic neighbors and I encourage you to reach out to yours and hopefully find that camaraderie that I have always found with my next door neighbors.   
How are you “neighborly”?

01 July 2013

The Lighthouse

Since I can remember I have always had a fondness for lighthouses.  I think they are beautiful, especially at night when they are lit up.  I started collecting figurines and lighthouse bits and pieces about 12 years ago and to this day I still have a curio cabinet filled with lighthouse collectables.  Through my journey with collecting these lighthouses it didn’t take long to run across a short story called “The Lighthouse”.  Let me share it with you…
“The Lighthouse”
A lighthouse stands alone. Its greatness towers over tormenting waters and rocks of destructive power.  Its beacon shines through black night to each oncoming vessel. The Lord is the LIGHTHOUSE in the lives of each Christian.   The life of the Christian travels like the ship through waves of trials and rocks of tribulations.  The beacon of light is the Word of God, directing each ship to a worthier, safer place.  Currents form raging waters tempt each ship to turn away from the light and travel recklessly throughout the blackness of night towards the ultimate destruction.  This temptation can only be overcome by putting complete faith in the Lord’s beacon and allowing Him to be the Captain of the Christian’s soul.

Not only do I love lighthouses for their aesthetic appeal but I can apply the concept of a lighthouse to my real life. If we allow God to be our lighthouse, He has the power to steer us down the right path and to get us get out of trouble.  We just need to turn our eyes towards Him and then allow Him to do what He needs to do. 
The Lord is my light and my salvation; whom shall I fear?  ~Psalms 27:1