01 July 2013

The Lighthouse

Since I can remember I have always had a fondness for lighthouses.  I think they are beautiful, especially at night when they are lit up.  I started collecting figurines and lighthouse bits and pieces about 12 years ago and to this day I still have a curio cabinet filled with lighthouse collectables.  Through my journey with collecting these lighthouses it didn’t take long to run across a short story called “The Lighthouse”.  Let me share it with you…
“The Lighthouse”
A lighthouse stands alone. Its greatness towers over tormenting waters and rocks of destructive power.  Its beacon shines through black night to each oncoming vessel. The Lord is the LIGHTHOUSE in the lives of each Christian.   The life of the Christian travels like the ship through waves of trials and rocks of tribulations.  The beacon of light is the Word of God, directing each ship to a worthier, safer place.  Currents form raging waters tempt each ship to turn away from the light and travel recklessly throughout the blackness of night towards the ultimate destruction.  This temptation can only be overcome by putting complete faith in the Lord’s beacon and allowing Him to be the Captain of the Christian’s soul.

Not only do I love lighthouses for their aesthetic appeal but I can apply the concept of a lighthouse to my real life. If we allow God to be our lighthouse, He has the power to steer us down the right path and to get us get out of trouble.  We just need to turn our eyes towards Him and then allow Him to do what He needs to do. 
The Lord is my light and my salvation; whom shall I fear?  ~Psalms 27:1    

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